"To the lover of wilderness, Alaska is one of the most wonderful countries in the world" - John Muir
Wednesday Thoughts
New home, new life?
7 years ago I landed with two suitcases at the airport in Fairbanks, Alaska. I had no idea what adventure I was getting myself into. Head over heel I fell in love with the state (how could you not?). My life in Alaska was filled with adventures and new friends, and research of course.

Since then I have filled my backback with memories and experience, both good and bad. 7 years change you, and I have changed as a human being at the same rate as the world has changed around me. I am not who I was that day when I landed at the airport 7 years ago, I have grown and have become a different person. Now I have found a second family over here, who would have thought that 7 years ago?
Where were you 7 years ago?