Adventure Tuesday
A new Theme is Born
I had a bit of a lack of inspiration here on my blog, and this combined with the fact that I love taking pictures and go on small hikes gave room for this new theme on my blog. Adventure Tuesday covers both new and old adventures that I have done. These adventures below aren't necessarily large scaled or extreme, but something different from the normal day to day life I usually have.

Rumbleinthearctic is a blog about life in the USA. It started out as a blog about my life in Alaska, which transitioned into life in Wisconsin and then NYC. Now it covers my life in Hudson Valley, NY. The blog is also about my travels to various reoccurring states, like Montana aka Big Sky Country, and all the hikes I do there. We also do a lot of camping trips and I often write about that too. It is also a blog about science and how I incorporate that into my hiking and travels to different parts of the US, and what I do for a living. A Swede living in the US.