Posts filed under Stockholm

When the memories are fading...

Det är en storm påväg inatt, rannsaka och bekänn
Guds son ska komma nerstigen från himmelen igen
Du ska stå naken framför sanningen och jordens alla kval
Han ska pröva din styrka, han ska testa din moral
— Lars Winnerbäck - Elegi

Where is America going

It has now been two years since my mom passed, but I still think about her every day. Lately I have started to panic because I feel as if I am grasping for memories that are slowly starting to disappear, to fade away. Maybe one of the reasons for this is that I already lived away from home for so many years, and only saw mom about every second year. One of the last text messages i got from mom was -Where is America going? She referred to the election, and couldn’t understand how someone who has never been into politics can become a president, and how people could vote on someone like that. (She should see Sweden now, it would break her heart) The other text she sent was about snowplows, well Stockholm had just gotten a snowstorm and people were complaining about the lack of plowing. My mom said the there are so many unemployed people that probably could showel, but yet people are complaining about the lack of snowplows.


November 14th

The day started like most days, early in the morning we had coffee before getting ready to leave for work. I saw that my oldest brother had called me and thought that was weird. So I called back and got the news. Mom was in the hospital, they didn’t know much but she was in surgery. The next call I got sounded positive, he said she has lost a lot of blood but she’s fine. But she was not. In my mind I was thinking that my friend is working on moms blood, because she works at the hospital and somehow I had a feeling that my mom was not alone. I told W, my friend is probably working now, helping her I can feel it. Several thousands mile away one of my best friends got a blood order. She recognize the birth date, because my mom and another friend of us share the same birthday. It was a lot of blood my mom needed, too much to work. After her shift that day she walked by our house on her way home and thought about my mom.

Du ser andra halvan av solen när den sjunker i väst
Jag sitter ensam här och undrar var vi hamnar härnäst
Med dig på andra sidan jorden får jag tid till ingenting
Medan natten fäller blå kalla skuggor häromkring
Vi skulle klara vad som helst, vi skulle aldrig säga nej
Och vad du anförtror åt mig, ska jag anförtro åt dig

Det är en storm påväg inatt, rannsaka och bekänn
Guds son ska komma nerstigen från himmelen igen
Du ska stå naken framför sanningen och jordens alla kval

Han ska pröva din styrka, han ska testa din moral
Vi står tysta framför skälet, där sommaren tar slut
Som tonårsbarn på hemväg efter gårdagens debut
Nu skulle inget bli som förr, vi var i en annan division
Vi kunde höra höstens mörka vatten brusa under bron

Vi skulle klara vad som helst, vi skulle aldrig säga nej
Och vad du anförtror åt mig, ska jag anförtro åt dig

Och alldeles nyss fick jag lyssna till ditt skratt
Och det berättade, du saknade mig inatt, det gör jag med
Det är så tyst nerifrån gatan som det aldrig annars är
Det är som om natten här har sett allting och stilla sjunger med

En elegi för alla sorger den där hösten handla om
För en mor som sjukna in, för ett barn som aldrig kom
För skuggan över gårn där aldrig solen lyste in
För en ork som inte fanns, du sakna min, jag sakna din
För en tystnad mellan väggarna som skar genom cement

Två ögonpar i tomhet från september till advent
För en man som gick till jobbet som om inget hade hänt
För en kvinna som sa allting är förstört, allt är brännt

En elegi för alla vägar som vi inte vandrat än
För en tid som bara går och aldrig kommer igen
Vi skulle klara vad som helst, vi skulle aldrig säga nej
Och vad du anförtror åt mig, ska jag anförtro åt dig
— Lars Winnerbäck - Elegi
Posted on November 15, 2018 and filed under Stockholm, Sweden.

Dom Tomma Stegen

Wednesday thoughts

Jag såg en man ligga och dö på en bänk en natt
det var inte mycket att göra
Hans vän sa: Jesus tar hand om dig nu
men han kunde varken se eller höra
Månen blänkte i fjärden
nordens renaste vatten
Man la en filt över kroppen
sen gick vi sakta hemåt i natten



    This earth sometimes takes and sometimes gives. The other day earth took someone from me, a little too early. Quick and unexpectedly my mom got sick, her aorta burst and she went to the hospital in an ambulance and then had a 6 hr long surgery. Unfortunately she lost too much blood, and had other complications so she passed away before we really understood what had happened.



    Monday, November 14th, the day of the super moon, the super moon that didn't really look like a super moon compared to what I have seen in Alaska. Mom was so happy to be able to go to Alaska, TWICE. She saw Denali and Northern Lights. Now I will travel home to Sweden much sooner than what I had anticipated. I just wish it was under better circumstances. 



    Mom touched so many people, she connected so well with everyone and anyone. It brings joy to my heart to know how much she meant to other people. Now she's gone but she will always be in our hearts and with me from now on. 

Posted on November 16, 2016 and filed under Wednesday Thoughts, The great wide open, Stockholm, Sweden.

Beauty on Water?


Flashback Friday

    Well, I think it's time to do a flashback Friday from my hometown, and home country or what do you think?


Stockholm Archipelago

    Last time I was back in Sweden was in April 2013, so that is quite some time ago. I grew up in Stockholm and of course there are many things I miss about Sweden and Stockholm, but there are also a lot of things I don't miss about Sweden and Stockholm. In April 2013 I finally took W with me to Sweden, he's been studying in Finland before so it wasn't completely new to him to go to a Scandinavian country. I figured that one of the best ways to showcase Stockholm would be to go on one of the many boats. We picked one that was combined with a lunch buffet, so you could eat and watch the beauty of Stockholm and it's surroundings at the same time. What a concept :)


Beauty on Water?

    Of course I am probably biased when I say that I believe Stockholm really is beauty on water, but that's okey. Just looking at these pictures of the many different islands in the archipelago makes me miss Stockholm right now. If you ever bring someone from abroad over to Sweden and Stockholm you have to go on one of these boat trips. Seeing the many different but also beautiful houses along the way, and watch the different communities on the islands and along the way develop is such nice experience if you never seen anything like it before. 


    Isn't it beautiful? Stockholm has a special place in my heart of course. One of the things I really missed while living in Fairbanks, AK was of course all the water. Here in Madison and Wisconsin we do have the many lakes to make up for part of that, but it's still not the same at all. 


    Happy Friday to you guys!