Posts tagged #color

Fire pits, the worlds most underrated creation


Flashback Friday

    I'm going to share another memory, this time from last year and Alaska. If you want to see the other posts in this theme, click here: Flashback Friday. 

Fall and Fire pits

    Last year a dear friend of mine came to visit in Alaska, she's done research there before so she knew the place and wanted to come back. We met a few years back in Juneau and just clicked. She's one of the few real good friends I managed to acquire in this country. My dear cabin in the woods of course came with a fire pit. In the end we actually didn't use it that much, W and me, but when my friend came we used it several nights.


     A few years back I went down to Wasilla to visit a friend. We went to her husbands family's house and their awesome backyard. There is something about sitting around a fire and just be.


    In August you can already tell that the winter is on it's way, leaves have already started turning colors, if they are even left on the trees at this point. 


    I love fall in the boreal forest, and that is something I think I am really going to miss after moving here. We do have the North Woods up north, but that is a ways. I am however excited about discovering fall in Wisconsin. 


    I just love all the fall colors, do you have a specific forest, park, area or so that you usually go to over and over again through the seasons? Do you guys also have a fire pit or something alike?


And the Mountains keep on Shining

Alaska Range

October 24th:

Yeah, fall and its colors. Amazing!