3800 miles, or 6115 km
Traveling kind
3800 miles, that is the approximate distance we will travel to get to Madison, WI, via Banff, Jasper, Yellowstone and Bozeman of course (plus minus some miles depending on the final route). These past days I have been panicking a bit about all the stuff I have. I have lived here for almost 7 years. When I moved here I arrived with two bags....now I have A LOT more. Even though I have been slowly moving things to Madison during the past year I still seem to have a lot of things.
I have sorted through everything several times and this is really it, all these items are things I can not part with. I am going to ship X number of flat rate boxes, and maybe even a big box too. I was calculating the price to ship several large flat rate boxes vs one big box and it seemed to be pretty even price wise. Last time W was here he left his X-country skis here, because he brought a big bag of mine back to Madison. So now we have two pair of X-country skis, and one pair of backcountry skis to transport. Ski boots, mountaineering boots too. And the list goes on. I did a trial pack today and it looks ok, I wish I had less stuff. I might try to send some more boxes instead of trying to fit everything into the car.
How do you guys part with precious things? And more importantly, any ideas on how to pack a car in the most efficient way possible. I should also add that I have a few canvas and large photographs I have to transport too..
Also, any "must see" along the way? Of course Banff and Jasper are on the list. I have also heard that Liard River hot springs are suppose to be something to stop at too.