Posts filed under Tycho - The Kitty Cat

What is in the past?

October 23:Hello again, I promised to make this a habit, posting something every day. And as a result, some days are going to be shorter than others.

But I really like being able to show my view of the world, no matter if it happened a year ago, now or six months ago.


October 18 2012:

Ice climbing

October 16 2011:

We had some snow a month ago or so, but not a whole lot. Still waiting and waiting and waiting...

Frost Happened Early

October 8th:

    I don't know what it is, but sometimes I can just feel that something is different when I wake up and sit by my big window in the cabin. I can see how the light changes and feel that something is going on. This was back in September.

I got up and walked out and looked down. Frost was here. 

And then sunrise happened. I walked in to get Tycho, so he could see the sunrise too!

Oh summer where did you go?

October 2nd: [gallery columns="2" type="slideshow" ids="1168,1169"] I love the Fireweed and the color. It just absolutely makes me happy when I see it, even in the fall when it's all over, I do appreciate it still.

[gallery type="slideshow" ids="1174,1175"] We have had a long long fall this year, quite amazing, we usually don't get such long shoulder seasons. Now we are just waiting for the darkness and cold.


Soon enough winter will be here, and we will be waiting another 200 days for temperatures above 50F (10C), yup, that is how long the last winter was last time, well, that is counting days below 50F :) . Why do I live here? Oh I don't remember any longer.

Tycho soaking it up

Until then, better soak up the last of the "warm" weather, well that is highs of around 50F.