Posts tagged #warm

And along came.....winter? Och så kom vintern?

As always, when I think: this is the beginning of spring, we get snow. I should know this by now, but I guess I always look on the bright side :) And to be honest, this snowfall we had didn't really generate that much snow. It's practically all melted off the sidewalks now, less on the colder parts like my backyard. The weather forecast for this week looks kind of warm, as in around 45F (6-8C) and of course below freezing during the night. Slowly slowly we are getting closer to spring. People have reported cranes!! Already! crazy. 

Precis som alltid då jag tänker: nu kommer verkligen våren, så får vi snö. Jag borde veta detta vid det det här laget, men jag antar att jag alltid försöker se på den ljusa sidan :) Och för att vara helt ärlig så fick vi inte sådär jättemycket snö. Det har faktiskt redan smält från trottoarkanterna, mindre på de kallare ställena, som på min bakgård. Väderprognosen visar varmt väder, alltså run 6-8 grader C, och under nollan på natten. Sakta men säkert så kommer vi ändå närmare våren. Och jag har till och med hört rapporter om tranor, redan! Helt galet!!

"Unseasonable" Warm Weather


As half of October passed everyone are wondering where the snow is. Snow usually appear around the middle of October, at the latest! We did have some snow back in September but that snow disappeared as fast as it came. The meteorologist are calling it "unseasonable" warm weather. We are just now starting to have temperatures below freezing again, and with last years long winter it makes me wonder what this winter will be like.

This past year we had 200 days of winter (counting days with temperatures below 50F, October 4th 2012-May 9th 2013). The past season we had one of the coldest winters in history with temperatures dropping down to -50F, yes -50F, do you know what it feels like to be outside when it is -50F? We had several consecutive weeks with -40, I even biked to school in -40F/C.


This summer we had one of the warmest summers ever, up to 92F, after a winter with down to -50F. It makes me a little worried about this winter, will we see temperatures down to -40F/C as a normality this winter too? We had tons of snow last season, how much snow will we get this season since we haven't got any at all so far?

Either way I am craving winter dorkiness/adventures sooner rather than later. Time will tell.

Playing in the Snow

Until then: