Posts tagged #climate change

We got a battle in front of us


"I hope that the United States of America is not so rich that she can afford to let these wildernesses pass by. Or so poor that she cannot afford to keep them." - Margaret (Mardy) Murie

Wednesday Thoughts

    Sometimes this world makes me scared, scared that all this will somehow disappear, just like that. But as soon as I am out there I forget about all the worries of our free world, all I can think about are all of these massive wilderness places that are put aside for us, only us! This wilderness is ours, and we should prepare to fight for every last little bit of it from this government that don't seem to value these places as much as we do. 

One place where we can do this is at: Earth Justice

You can also take action on the climate agreement that the US is planning on pulling out from, on Earth Justice website, Take Action

Another depressing thing is that opening ANWR to drilling in 2018 will be one of the priorities in Drumps budget

You can read more about this long battle: War of the Arctic Oil


Again, I am sharing this powerful video about ANWR:

"As far as I can see, there's Nothing Out There"


Another dark day in History

    A while back I never thought it would ever be a question, a question if climate change was real or not. Back in the day when I was shielded by my narrow-minded brain which refused to let signs and suggestions in, that in the future we would be at a point where we would have to defend the fact that climate change is real, and research is important. To the point when a president who doesn't believe in climate change is elected, swears in, and moments later deletes the whole climate change section from the white house web page. I think we all kind of knew this could/would happen, I mean we had already seen other webpages being "censored" and climate change talk disappear. Scientists and researchers had days before the inauguration screened every inch, okey tried to screen every inch, of important climate related fact and copy it, so that it would not disappear into thin air once the new president elect reached his presidency. Yes, really, it has come to this. 


    In this day and age, I feel like we need to stand up more, fight more and educate more. Instead of a government in support of studying climate change, preserve and conserve nature we are now left with this:


    My heart bleeds a bit, and i feel like throwing up. What are your feelings about this matter? In the meantime I'm just gonna leave this video here for you, to watch.


When the USA dumped Climate Change 11/08/16


Wednesday Thoughts

"The problem of climate change involves a fundamental failure of markets: those who damage others by emitting greenhouse gases generally do not pay.
Climate change is a result of the greatest market failure the world has seen. The evidence on the seriousness of the risks from inaction or delayed action is now overwhelming. We risk damages on a scale larger than the two world wars of the last century. The problem is global and the response must be a collaboration on a global scale" - Nicholas Stern. Nov, 2007

A dark day in History

    The day after one of the most important days in history, our history. The day we most likely will look back at and wonder what the hell happened. There are many things that don't look great with the outcome of this election, but I am not gonna talk about that. I am going to talk about the consequences of choosing a president who don't believe in Climate Change. My research is based on climate change, my husbands research is based on climate change. The national science foundation (NSF) is a federal agency and funds many climate related projects, every year.

    Det blev ju en ganska mörk dag i historien efter valet. Vi kommer troligen se tillbaka på denna tiden och undra vad det egentligen var som hände. Det är väldigt många dåliga saker som resultatet av valet bar med sig, men jag kommer inte nämna något av de. Det jag vill ge större uppmärksamhet är konsekvenserna då ett land så stort som USA väljer en president som inte tror på klimatförändringar. Min forskning, min mans forskning och många andras forskning är faktiskt baserat på klimatförändringar på ett eller annat sätt. National Science Foundation (NSF) är ett regeringsorgan som städer mycket forskning inom klimatförändringar varje år. 


The result of this election might be the death of science and research as we see it today.  

Det är många som menar att detta är undergången av allt som innefattar forskning.


    Here is a nice letter by a professor at the university of Columbia, worth a read in order to cheer up maybe? Click on the image below to get to the full letter on his website.

    Nedan är ett fint brev som en professor skickade ut till sina studenter efter valet, tycker det är viktigt nu att verkligen visa vad vi går för!


    Well, I think that is all. I'll share some pictures from the field below. What are your opinions about the outcome of this election when it comes to the environment? Are you worried?

    Det var nog allt, här kommer även några fina bilder från mitt fältarbete. Vad tycker ni om valet, alltså konsekvenserna för vår natur? Är du orolig?


    And, if you want to know more about my research:

    Om du vill veta mer om min forskning: