Flashback Friday
The first few days of April we did get some snow showers, not enough to go skiing though. We had a couple of relaxing days, more baking before W defended his dissertation. Of course, a newly minted doctor needs a spectacular cake that shows what type of research his does. It took several hours but the result beautiful (according to me) and the cake itself was delicious. His research is also about forestfires, but W studies the effect of tree regeneration. Spring arrived early, and we finally visited Wyalusing State Park and at the same time spring made giant leaps towards the summer. We also finally found out that we were moving to NYC.
By May summer had basically arrived. All around campus you could see the Badger dressed (or undressed) in different outfits. The one outside my department showed the anatomy of the badger. W graduated and we now have another doctor in the family. I did more science and when W’s family came to visit, and we once again went to the Olbrich Botanical Gardens. We went on my first road bike trip and had some great snacks afterwards. We also went north, up through Duluth and a short visit to Vikre Distillery. We continued to Superior National Forest and had a great time up there, what a gem that we somehow completely missed.
June and hot temperatures arrived. I got an awesome postcard from a fellow blogger. I baked some more, and did more science. We went to Minneapolis and my first baseball game, which due to the 4 hr raindelay became my first non-baseball baseball visit. Tried to troubleshoot a new protocol in the lab which I had been for quite a few weeks. We had one last hurrah at our favorite cocktail bar, said goodbye to the lab, and packed up all our belongings. After a final visit to our neighborhood bar we departed Madison WI and arrived in NYC on the hottest day of the year, 105F.