Posts tagged #Catskills

In The Rearview Mirror 2020 pt. 4

Flashback Friday

The End of the Year and the Start of a Second Wave

Number of cases started to increase, slowly, but it was now apparent that we might face that second wave everyone talked about. Nothing really changed on the countryside though, we hardly interacted with anyone anyway. Although, around Thanksgiving and Christmas the local stores decreased their capacity to 50%. We met fall and I was reminded about those wonderful colors it produces. We had mixed feelings about the coming election, we were unsure how it would end. There are so many trump supporters out there and I am not sure what we would have done if he had won another term. I know people who seriously were looking into options for a move to Canadaland. But then, after much counting Biden and Harris did win. And we were extremely happy about that. Happy but worried since not everyone agreed that the election was fair. We celebrated thanksgiving alone at home, like many other people. Christmas and New Years were treated the same way.


I get to work around 7.30 in the morning and often spot the deer roaming around the buildings. We made more pizza, and more baking in general of course. We went hiking and climbed a fire tower. I still have to pinch myself every now and then to make sure this is our new reality. Maybe not too surprisingly that I would enjoy living so close to nature again. I watched beautiful sunrises and sunsets from the porch. We took million walks on the trails around the house and just enjoyed the fall that was progressing fast around us. We went hiking in the Catskills and did yet another visit to Wassaic Lantern Inn. I think we are bound to become regulars in the future.


    November came and I started working on the second instrument that has been idle for more than 2 years in our lab. More baking, more pizza, I guess you by now understand that I love to bake and W loves to cook. The election happened and Biden and Kamala won. The morning it was called we were preparing to go and bike the Harlem Valley Rail Trail, but I said lets wait a few minutes and see what they say because I heard rumors that the outcome had been called. Sure enough a few minutes later the official call came and we could ride the rail trail with smiles on our faces. Like so many other people did too. We biked by houses that were blasting music out loud, like Celebration. At Millerton there was a small celebration taking place, and back at Wassaic Lantern Inn we ordered Victory Punch. We went on more hikes, in the Taconic State Park and in the Catskills again. We also went to this cool old estate called Olana.


   December and the snow was non existent to start with. We went and got a Christmas tree early December, the earliest I have ever gotten one. This was also our very first Christmas tree together, we went to one of many Christmas tree farms around here and cut it down ourselves. We also had our first bonfire, just the two of us, with our early Christmas gift from W’s parents. I struggled with the instrument at work, and if there is one thing that I always do before I start taking something apart, it is to document it so I know how to put it back together again. I have so many photos of stuff I do in the lab. Middle of December and we finally got that mega snowstorm I have been waiting for since living in Fairbanks and Madison. We got so much snow, and the snow here is so heavy. We went skiing, more than once. As Christmas came the snow rained away and all of Hudson Valley and surrounding areas got flooded. We drove to Hudson and explored that area one day, and another day we finally got to the fire tower in the Catskills that we had tried to get to back in September, but got turned around from due to a mama black bear with her cubs. Overall December brought a lot of good food and a lot of baking. Before New Years came we had already said good bye to Christmas and even reorganized the living room. 2021 was going to be welcomed with a fresh new start!

In The Rearview Mirror 2019 pt. 2

Flashback Friday


Second Quarter of 2019, and it dawned on me how different my life looks now, compared to when I still lived in Alaska. Life back then, in Alaska, was all about snow, skiing, camping, fieldwork and the deep deep boreal forest. 40 below in the wintertime, smoke from wildfires mixed with mosquitos from hell in the summertime. Quite the contrast from big city life in New York City and Manhattan. If you are interested in seeing the contrast between life in Alaska, transitioning into life in Wisconsin before continuing with the rearview mirror of 2019 you can check out these posts below!


April came with Cherry blossoms in Central Park, and I went down there the day before we flew to Denver, Colorado. I reflected over the fact that spring is so different in different parts of the US, April in Alaska is very different compared to Wisconsin and New York. In Denver, we saw some good friends and their kitty cat. Denver has a lot of nice graffiti almost everywhere, so I might do a separate blog post highlighting that at a later stage. We, of course, went to a few breweries, bars and managed to get a hike in before it was time to get back to NYC. In NYC I had a day or so before a friend from Stockholm arrived. We did a couple of touristy things, Chinatown, the Highline and Columbia University. At the end of April Spring was definitely full-on. I got a couple of walks in Central Park, W and I went to East Broadway mall in Chinatown again for some seafood so we could cook a nice dinner. Also, at the end of April, I finally got a job!!


    May in NYC definitely mean summertime. I explored the area around my new workplace, which is about 40 minutes north of the city. We went to a Yankees baseball game in the Bronx one evening, our first real baseball game together, since the last one (in Minneapolis) turned into a non-baseball baseball game. We also did a short trip up to the Catskills, and I made more no-knead bread. Basically the best and easiest bread you can make. Garvey just keeps getting larger and larger, and even now in 2020 he is still growing. I saw some wildlife in Morningside park one afternoon, a raccoon. They are usually nocturnal so don’t really know what was up with that fella. We hosted a taco evening at our apartment, a good excuse to clean the whole place! W’s brother and girlfriend came to visit us too for about a week, and we had some picnics in the park, of course, managed to squeeze in a Broadway show and some bar excursions in East village. W and I went to see the goats in Riverside park and then May turned into June.


   We again went down to the East Village, but this time we walked a fair bit beforehand. We followed Riverside Park and then took the train south. Another evening we bought some food at an Italian deli and went to Central Park. We also went to one of our favorite bars, Mess Hall. More explorations in the city, especially now that we got a second income. Another picnic in the park and I also went down to Battery Park for the last beer with a friend before she moved to San Fran! I spotted a deer outside the window of my lab and W and I had an after-work beer one evening.